#Hades switch controller code
Product Code Secret Decoder Rings - a /r/MechanicalKeyboards EXCLUSIVE!.Keyboard Parts - Switches and other parts.Keyboard Mats - underpads and trayliners.Keyboard Covers for protecting your keyboard from the daily "ZOMG I SPILLED XXXX ON MY KEYBOARD".Keyboard Cases to hold PCB (see Keyboard Bags for carrying bags).Bezel Free Low Profile "Floating" Style Keyboards (with switches on top cover and no bezel).Keyboard Accessories and Specialty Keyboards.General Electronics Resellers That Carry Mechanical Keyboards.Down Under (Southern Hemisphere) Resellers.Resellers Recommended By Redditors that ship international (alphabetical order).Small Custom Keyboard Sellers (alphabetical).Where Can Try I Out Keyboards and Switches?.

For Keys see the Key Shopping Guide (Cap Sellers), Key Swapping Guide (by switch type), Key Compatibility Guides help you find what's compatible with your keyboard.For Keyboards By Type see the Tenkeyless Keyboards Wiki and Backlit Keyboards Wiki.For what Redditors bought see the Keyboards People Bought via the Polls Wiki.List of Keyboard Manufacturers at the Manufacturer Website Wiki.Can't make up your mind? See the Keyboard Buying Guide.Where to buy and sell keyboards and keys.