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Psychomotor retardation: slowing of thoughts and movement that can be seen in major depressive episodes (I’ve made a Youtube video demonstrating this).Psychomotor agitation: unintentional, purposeless movement, such as hand wringing or pacing.Echopraxia: imitation of movements can be part of catatonia.Negativism: does not respond to instructions, and may actively oppose attempts to be moved.Waxy flexibility: allows limbs to be moved into positions, and then holds them there.Catalepsy: fixed, rigid posture held against gravity.Stupor: lack of psychomotor activity, unreactive to the environment.Catatonia: markedly disrupted physical reactivity to the environment, including:.Restricted is the mildest term, and flat refers to almost no emotional expression. Restricted/blunted/flat: These all refer to decreased facial expressiveness.Labile: rapidly changing from one emotion to another, such as crying one minute and smiling brightly the next.Incongruent: doesn’t match the reported mood, e.g.Expansive: unrestrained expression of feelings.The term affect refers to the facial expression of emotions. Ego-dystonic: thoughts that are unwanted and inconsistent with what someone normally believes when they are well (the opposite of this is ego-syntonic) for example, OCD obsessions about being a risk to harm someone else would likely be ego-dystonic, while OCPD obsessiveness may be related to an ego-syntonic desire for perfection.Derealization: also a form of dissociation, this involves a sense that one’s surroundings aren’t fully real, and may feel like looking out at the world through a barrier.

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Depersonalization: a form of dissociation in which the self doesn’t feel real, which may include a feeling of looking at the self from a detached perspective.It can be caused by traumatic brain injury. Confabulation: This is the unconscious filling in of memory gaps by imagined events that doesn’t involve intentional lying.Avolition: an inability to initiate and persist in goal-directed activities.Anosognosia: lack of insight into one’s own illness and its effects (this isn’t disagreeing with one’s diagnosis, but rather a lack of self-awareness) anosognosia is often a symptom of illness.Anhedonia: an inability to experience pleasure.Alexithymia: an inability to identify and describe one’s emotions considered to be a personality trait.

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