Purchase subaru super coolant
Purchase subaru super coolant

purchase subaru super coolant

I wanted a POAT and ended up getting Pentosin A2 "extended life" at a little over $18 (which is for concentrate) at Rockauto. Genuine OEM Subaru Super Coolant Pre-Mixed (SOA868V9270) at factory direct prices. Anyway at WM it's only in pre-diluted form, which I never buy.

purchase subaru super coolant

Interesting about Prestone Cor-guard, I saw that Walmart carried it but couldn't find detailed info like MSDS online, and nothing on the bottle (picture) says what it really is. Formulated for - OEM Subaru Part SOA868V9270 (SOA868V9272) My Garage.

purchase subaru super coolant

The universal yellow dyed coolants like Prestone have the advantage that they won't change the color of the coolant in your system, so if you add half a quart of yellow Prestone your coolant will stay the proper blue, pink, green, etc color. Buy Subaru BRZ Genuine Subaru Long Life Super Coolant 50/50 Prediluted, 1 Gallon Bottle. You can use any of the asian branded coolants out there, even the new Prestone with Cor-guard is now a P-OAT. Honda uses blue, Toyota uses pink, etc, etc virtually the same stuff with a different color. Antifreeze has a higher boiling point and lower freeze point than water. It requires no mixing/diluting - just pop the cap. There's nothing special about Subaru coolant, it's a P-OAT like all the asian manufacturer's use dyed to the color of their liking. Formulated for long-lasting corrosion and rust protection for Corrosion, Fluids - OEM Subaru Part SOA868V9270. Antifreeze, or coolant, helps to keep your engine at the proper temperature and prevent corrosion. This coolant was designed specifically for the aluminum blocks Subaru uses in all of their engine assemblies.

Purchase subaru super coolant