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Not that her parents were saints, certainly far cries for their canon selves.Her later identity as Mandy is even worse than her canon counterpart In Timeline A Dee Dee is evil and killed her parents, framing her brother for it.The Sym-Bioninc Titan is based on the tech used in Voltron, and the Galra take the place of the Mutraddi as the enemies of Galaluna.They were saved by the prototype Nanites, an act which secured funding for the Nanite Project. Specifically, they are the first EVOs ever created. The Road Rovers are EVOs in this universe.Mojo Jojo is also working with her as tech support, though it is shown he still wants to go after heroes. Downplayed the Cree Lincoln of Timeline A is not working to hurt children, but she is an Anti-Hero going after Corrupt Corporate Executives quite violently.His incarnation in this world is merely a Pro-Racer using running a dubiously legal racing circuit for his own amusement. Dick Dastardly is a Card-Carrying Villain within canon.Xanatos Gambit: In addition to the Trope Namer being present, the Dark One's plan qualifies.Paperinik doesn't care as much, even if DW does occasionally get the better of him The Rival: Darkwing Duck sees himself as this to Paperinik.Planet Spaceship: The Evronian planetoids and Pacificus.Physical God: Xadhoom, Moldrock, Super Goof, Ralph Hinkley, and, at one point, Palpatine.This is because of The Dark One, who drains it away to power his spell. The Magic Goes Away: Local to the Sol System, at least.Evil Versus Evil: The Evronians and the Empire cannot stand each other.The Dreaded: Moldrock to the Republic/Empire and the Hutt, to the point that, even centuries after his demise, the Unknown Regions remain unexplored because he dwelled there and nobody in the Republic knows what happened to him.Big Bad Duumvirate: After the Dark One is defeated, The Evronians and the Empire take over as the main villains of the setting.Big Bad: The Dark One is this, setting up a century spanning plan for ultimate power.When given a target by the Shark god, he's near impossible to stop. Super-Persistent Predator: King Shark is this here.Here, it's due to Aquaman killing his original crew. Revenge Before Reason: Black Manta, as per usual.Notably subverted by Wonder Woman, as the mantle always winds up reverting back to Diana after each attempt to pass it off.Legacy Character: As per the norm in DC, there are several Legacies around.Here it's emphasized more, since the Green Light comes from Despair of the Endless Heroic Willpower: The Green Lanterns as per usual.Heroic Sacrifice: Barry Allen does one reminiscent of both his final run in the Crisis and Wally's epic run from Justice League, in order to kill Darkseid.For Want of a Nail: The impact of the DC heroes creates several diversions from normal history, such as James Dean surviving, HIV being discovered earlier, and World War II ending sooner.Big Good: Superman fulfills this role from his debut to his death.The Red androids, the Elementals, and the Metal Men are all connected in this timeline.

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  • The Endless of the Sandman Mythos are the source of the Emotional Spectrum in this timeline.
  • Adaptation Origin Connection: There are several cases to be found.
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    Though already heroes in the source material, the Guardians of the Universe are painted in a much more heroic light here.

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  • Adaptational Heroism: Lex Luthor is given a full Heel–Face Turn in this universe.
  • The Spacebattles Multiverse Project provides examples of:
  • The Spacebattles Amalgam Universe can be found here.
  • The Spacebattles Marvel + DC Universe can be found here.
  • The Spacebattles Combined World thread can be found here.
  • The Spacebattles Viacom Universe can be found here.
  • The Spacebattles Sony Universe can be found here.
  • The Spacebattles Smash Brothers Universe can be found here.
  • The Spacebattles Shonen Jump Universe can be found here.
  • The Spacebattles Cartoon Network Universe can be found here.
  • The Spacebattles Disney Universe can be found here.
  • The Spacebattles Hasbro Universe can be found here.
  • The Spacebattles Marvel Universe can be found here.
  • The Spacebattles DC Universe can be found here.
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    The Main threads for The Spacebattles Multiverse Project are: Additionally, their are two related threads that can be considered Spin-offs of the project. It is a decentralized project, meaning it has no centralized Thread but instead multiple threads, each detailing their own Universe. The Spacebattles Multiverse Project is a collaborative worldbuilding project hosted on the Spacebattles forums.

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